Lifetime Reel Mowers
9am - 5pm EST, Mon - Fri
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Tradition of Reel Mowers

Tradition of Reel Mowers


Invented in the 1800's reel mowers have faithfully served as a hand-powered method to maintain lawns. Because of this long history reel mowers have gone through a drastic evolution and offer a rich tradition.

The credit for inventing of the first mower goes to a pair of engineers Edwin Beard Budding and John Ferrabee. They took the concept from textile mills and applied a similar cutting concept but instead for lawns.

The first mowers were comprised of cast iron which made the unit difficult to push. Eventually after the patent's expiration, new developers took on the concept. Some attempted to use better materials while others took another route and went towards motorizing. Second generation reel mowers still had issues, weighing in 40 to 60 lbs. and frequently had uncomfortable wooden handles.

Modern reel mowers grabbed onto the concept of hand-powered, manual energy but use lighter-weight materials and pinion gear movement to achieve an easier cut. Transitioning to modern materials helps cut down on the weight but also the cost of production. At Lifetime Reel Mowers we believe in the tradition of reel mowers with contemporary fixes to age old issues.

Lifetime Reel Mower 16" and 18" quality light-weight steel, welded joints and stainless steel screws work together to create a frame to support the sharpest cut for a healthier lawn. Ergonomic soft foam grips and advanced smooth traveling wheels eliminate drag. Engineered for years of use, the Lifetime Reel Mowers offers a contemporary design on a traditional American-invented product.

Contact Us: Toll Free: 877-862-7049, Local 1-727-233-0490 | Mon.-Fri., 9am - 5pm EST
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